I am at the point now where, just two or three months ago, I was elected as First Vice President of the CSEG. So I would like to take this opportunity to thank the CSEG members for giving me the chance to serve them as an officer of their society. After sitting through a few executive meetings as a non-voting observer before becoming a full-fledged member, my imaginary impression that I had before the election of what my next three years would involve, first as Vice-President, then as President, and then as Past-President, is being replaced by the reality of what is actually involved in running this society. It is very impressive to see just how much goes on within this society. It is also daunting to think that I, along with my fellow executive members, will be trying to provide direction to this geophysical society, which has so many activities that are directed towards the enrichment and future of our profession, as well as many activities that are designed to enhance the relationships among us.

The most immediate impression I have from my first few executive meetings is a sense of amazement at the number of activities undertaken by so many members on a voluntary basis. This truly is a society that operates by volunteers. The many initiatives for new and ongoing programs come primarily from the ordinary membership, not the executive. I am looking forward to pointing out these members, so that they do no t go unrecognized. I would also like to take this opportunity to express appreciation for the hard and dedicated work by our Managing Director, Jim Racette, and our recently hired Administrative Services and Marketing Coordinator, Sheryl Meggeson.

After agreeing to put my name forward for election several months ago, I was asked to put together a statement of my "platform" for election. This was supposed to outline the most important items I was hoping to implement when I became President. I must have been elected on the weakest possible election platform ever (although some may think that certain politicians have outdone me). I basically think the CSEG functions just fine right now, and I do not see any thing in desperate need of fixing at the moment. So, other than wanting to continue to run a financially responsible society with accounting practices that have been put in place by the most recent executives; I jus t want to stand out of the way, and let the volunteers implement their ideas as best as they can, and help them obtain the support of the CSEG in whatever way that entails. I consider it my job to try to give these individuals the opportunity to carry out their dreams and wishes for whatever program they want to organize. Despite the lack of initiative in my "platform", I am confident it will lead to the continued success of our society.



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