Barry received his B.Sc. in Engineering Physics from the University of Saskatchewan in 1967. After graduation he worked with Chevron Geophysical Company until 1975 when he joined Sigma Explorations. He is currently President of Sigma.
Barry is a member of the CSEG, SEG, CSPG and APEGGA. He was Secretary for the CSEG in 1982, Doodlebug Chairman in 1988, Business Manager in 1990 and was First Vice President in 1994.

for First VP
Barbara has been a member of the CSEG for over 20 years. Most recently, she has served for three years on the CSEG Convention Committee, one year on the Technical committee and two years as Chairman of the Exhibits sub-committee, for two years she was technical editor of the Recorder and a member of the CSEG Executive, and she is currently chairman of the Special Events sub-committee for the 1995 CSEG Convention.
After obtaining a degree with a major in mathematics at the University of Saskatchewan, and teaching for four years in Saskatoon, Barbara joined the industry in Calgary at GSI, at a time when technological change as the result of the implementation of digital processing was in full swing. She thus had an opportunity to assist in introducing new seismic processing approaches to the industry in Calgary, work which she was able to carryon later as a result of moving to Seiscan Delta during the era when they were introducing new approaches in wavelet processing and attribute analysis. In 1978 she joined Petro-Canada where she was responsible for geophysical processing within the company. She later developed and managed the technical training program established within the research department, acted as career development director for exploration and later as manager of new technology in exploration.
Barbara's home is in Calgary where she currently is Director of the Calgary Petroleum Technology Transfer Centre, a division of IHRDC which has been set up to provide technical and management training for the petroleum industry and which currently has 18 member companies. She also provides consulting services in the career development area for companies in the industry and has been very active with Fletcher Challenge Petroleum in this regard. She is a member of the Management Advisory council for the University of Calgary Faculty of Management and actively supports initiatives undertaken by them in relation to the industry.
Continuing to focus the society on initiatives that allow its members to be at the leading edge of geophysical innovation is critical in ensuring that our members are key players in the ever more elusive process of exploration for oil and gas. It is also essential that we attract bright young students to the study of geophysics, thereby ensuring the continuation of our science in the future.
To this end we must continue to publish learned articles in the Journal, and introduce new developments to the general membership in the Recorder and through talks at luncheons and at conventions. We must also continue to support on-going initiatives focused on the development of our members. Active involvement with University programs is essential, as is provision of information to the general public about our discipline in the effort to attract young people to the industry. Another issue that needs to be addressed in an industry where interdisciplinary teams are becoming the norm is our relationships with other technical societies such as the CSPG and CIM and how we might work more closely with them on initiatives that will benefit our members.

for First VP
Dan Hampson began his career in geophysics in 1976 with Veritas Seismic Processors Ltd, after receiving his M.Sc. in physics from McMaster University in Hamilton. He worked with Veritas up until 1987 as seismic data processor, research manager, and Vice President of Research. In 1987, Dan teamed up with Brian Russell to form Hampson-Russell Software Services Ltd, of which he is currently President.
Dan has been a CSEG member since 1977, and has served the society in a wide range of capacities. Dan was CSEG Journal Editor from 1982-1984, second Vice President in 1986, Chairman of the Technical Committee for the 1991 Convention and General Chairman for the 1993 Convention. Dan has delivered a number of technical papers at CSEG Conventions and received best paper awards in 1982 and 1987. He has published several papers in the CSEG Journal, and delivered a technical luncheon talk in 1988. In 1991, Dan received the Meritorious Service Award from the CSEG.
If elected, Dan will use the experience he has gained to ensure that the CSEG continues its tradition of providing outstanding technical support and information to its members.

for Second VP
Allin graduated from the University of Alberta in 1964 with a B.Sc. He • attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he received a M.Sc. (1969) and a Ph.D. (1972) in Marine Geophysics from the M.LT.! Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint program. He then went to the Atlantic Geoscience Centre (Geological Survey of Canada) in Nova Scotia, where he worked on geophysical mapping of the east coast.
In 1980 he moved back to Calgary and joined Petro-Canada, initially working in the Frontier Region, and more recently in the Foothills, Northern Alberta and Northeast B.C. He is currently working in the applied technology group.
Allin has been a member of CSEG since 1980, and is a member of APEGGA and the SEG. He has served on the APEGGA Honours and Awards Committee, and the Discipline Committee.

for Second VP
Mike has a degree in Physics from the University of Bristol, and an M.Sc. in Physical Oceanography. He has worked in the Geophysical Industry in Calgary for 10 years, first with Seismograph Service Corp. and since 1987 with Schlumberger of Canada.
Mike has presented or co-authored several papers at CSEG and SEG conventions, on topics such as VSP interpretation, array sonic imaging, AVO, converted shear waves and anisotropy. His main interests are in how borehole measurements can add value to a prospect either directly or through the value they can add to the surface seismic data.
As 2nd V.P. Mike would like to continue the tradition of excellence in the luncheon talks and speakers, giving particular emphasis to the use of the luncheons to disseminate emerging ideas through their application to real exploration or production problems.
Mike is also a member of the SEG and APEGGA.

for Secretary
Anne graduated form the University College of Wales Aberystwyth in 1973 with a B.Sc. Honours in Geology and from Aberdeen University in 1976, with a , M.Ed. Honours in Education and Psychology. After several years in educational research and high school teaching (geology), on moving to Canada in 1980, Anne started her geophysical career in Norcen's International Department. In 1984, she moved to Bow Valley's Frontier Department as a Senior Geophysicist. In 1987, Anne joined Petro-Canada's Frontier Department then moved on to Project Geophysicist for Vietnam & Mynamar in International. Anne spent two years in the Geophysical and Geological Applied Technology group teaching Landmark skills and assisting in special project interpretation. Currently Anne is a Geophysical Specialist in the Gas Business Unit, finding Oil! (and gas) with the Gilby and Alderson Asset Teams.
Anne has worked since 1986 as CSEG/SEG Continuing Education Coordinator and has also served on the Convention Committee as Continuing Education Organizer in 1990-1991.

for Secretary
Howard Hepburn received his B.Sc. from the University of Calgary. During the 1970' s he worked on acquisition field crews in the Canadian Arctic Islands, the three western provinces, and the United States. In the early 1980's, he was a Party Manager in the field. His duties continued at Petty-Ray Geophysical as an exploration seismologist, crew supervisor, and supervisor of speculative data acquisition and processing. In 1990, Howard was transferred to Grant Tensor in Europe and Africa to contribute to training, the establishment of quality control procedures, and recording techniques for the largest land 3-D in the world, to date.
Later transferred to Houston, he continued in his capacity as exploration seismologist, designing 3-D acquisition programs around the world, and marketing acquisition and processing. In 1991, Howard returned to Canada to join Pulsonic Geophysical as an advisor, where he currently designs 3-D programs and advises clients on acquisition and processing techniques.
Howard has served the CSEG on three Convention Technical Committees: 1988, 1989 and 1993. He welcomes the nomination to serve the society as secretary.

for Treasurer
Graduating in 1977 with a B.Sc. (Honours) degree in geophysics from the University of Manitoba, Dorothy-Ann joined Hudson's Bay Oil and Gas Co. Ltd. In 1981, she moved to Home Oil Inc. to work in the Frontier group in offshore Eastern Canada leaving in 1983 to join Suncor Inc.
Dorothy-Ann established her own firm, Janus Exploration Consulting Ltd., in 1989 and since that date has been providing interpretation services to small and medium sized oil companies. From 1991 to 1993 she was part of a C.LD.A. funded technology transfer project in Bolivia where she lived for I 112 years. She was a contributing author to the Geophysical Atlas of Western Canadian Hydrocarbon Pools.
As a member of APEGGA, Dorothy-Ann chaired the District Meetings Committee and was a member of the PEGG Publications and Advisory Committee. Belonging both to SEG and CSEG she has served as Exhibits co-chair for the 1991 CSEG National Convention, as a member of the Recorder Committee and, most recently, was part of the CSEG Consultants Directory Committee.

for Treasurer
Susan received a B.Sc. Honours degree in Geology from Dalhousie University in 1980, and a M.Sc. degree specializing in Petroleum Geophysics in 1988 from Imperial College, University of London, England. She also obtained a B.J. (Journalism) Honours degree in 1987 from Carleton University. Susan's career in the petroleum industry began in 1980 with Esso Resources Canada, where she worked as both a geologist and geophysicist in Western Canada and the East Coast Frontier. She later spent several years in Ottawa with COGLA, the Canada Oil and Gas Lands Administration, where she worked as a geophysicist responsible for offshore Newfoundland and Labrador.
Combining her expertise in the field of science and technology with a degree in journalism, Susan worked as a journalist for CBC-TV in 1987 in St. John's Newfoundland, specializing in issues ranging from mining and petroleum to the environment. Susan has also worked on international geophysical projects in Asia and South America with Teknica Petroleum Services. For the past four years, Susan has worked as a geophysicist with Suncor Inc., and is responsible for exploration in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin. Susan was the Co-Chair of Suncor's 1992 Untied Way campaign, and Chairman of Suncor's 1993 United Way. She is also the director of the Calgary Rainforest Action Group, a non-profit organization concerned about rainforest destruction.

for Business Manager
David Komlodi graduated from the University of Exeter, U.K., in 1983 with a B.Sc. (Honours) in Physics with Geophysics. He was employed as a geophysicist with Murphy Oil Co. Ltd. from 1983 - 1988. He moved to Canadian Occidental Petroleum Ltd. where he was a senior geophysicist until 1990 when he joined Sceptre Resources Ltd. where he is currently senior geophysicist responsible for Southeastern Saskatchewan.
David has served as Chairman of the CSEG display booth committee for the past six years, a position that virtually runs itself, and so feels that it is about time that he actually contributes to the Society.

for Business Manager
Beric has volunteered his services to the CSEG as Publicity Co-Chairman for the 1989 Convention. He received a B.Sc. in geophysics in 1981 from the University of Calgary. Beric has worked for several companies including Canadian Superior (1981-84), Diamond Shamrock (1985-86), Westcoast Petroleum (1986-87), Central Explorers (1987-88) and Poco Petroleums (1988-present).

Journal Editor
Larry Lines, born in Athabasca, Alberta, received a B.Sc. (1971) and a M.Sc. (1973) in geophysics from the University of Alberta, and a Ph.D. (1976) in geophysics from the University of British Columbia. In 1976, Larry joined Amoco, Canada in Calgary where he worked in the exploration department and was involved in some "serendipity reel" gas discoveries. In 1979, he transferred to Amoco's Research center in Tulsa where he worked in the research areas of geophysical inversion, imaging, and reservoir characterization, and attained the position of research associate. In 1993, Dr. Lines was appointed as the NSERC/Petro-Canada chair in applied seismology in the Dept. of Earth Sciences at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Larry shared the award for Geophysics Best paper in 1988 and was SEG Distinguished Lecturer in 1991. He has served the Geophysical Society of Tulsa (GST) as Editor. First Vice-President and President, and was recently granted Honorary Membership with that organization. Professor Lines has served as an SEG associate editor for Geophysics, SEG slide editor, special editor for IEEE, and has co-written or co-edited five books on geophysical inversion and imaging. He is currently the SEG Translations Editor, and is an editor for The Leading Edge and CJEG. Larry is a member of SEG, EAEG, CSEG, GST, Sigma Xi, APEGGA and APEGN.

Recorder Editors
Sheila Conner graduated from the University of Dublin, Trinity College in Ireland in 1979 with an Honours degree in Geology. She began her career seismic processing with Seiscom Delta in Dublin, and, in December 1980 accepted a transfer to Seiscan Delta in Calgary. In 1982 she joined PanCanadian as an Interpretation Geophysicist. She spent several years at PanCanadian and later Canadian Occidental gaining interpretation experience. Since then she has been consulting to a number of companies through her own company, Torca Geophysical Consultants. Sheila is a member of CSEG, APEGGA and SEG.
John Townsley graduated from the University of British Columbia in 1985 with a B.Sc. in Geophysics. He began his career as a project geophysicist with Paquette Projects Ltd. After leaving Paquette Projects in 1986, he enjoyed a short career as a beer tester with Carling Okeefe Brewers. Unfortunately, the 1987 recovery of oil prices forced John to resume his career as a geophysicist with Geophysical MicroComputer Applications. At GMA, John has served as a support representative, as an application specialist responsible for GMA' s interpretation workstations and wavelet extraction products. For the past 9 months John has been working as GMA's Vice President, Client Support. John is a member of CSEG, APEGGA, SEG and EAEG.
Sheila and John will continue to maintain the high standards of publishing the RECORDER set by their predecessors. They will be presenting articles on people, technology and other subjects of interest to the membership. Comments, feedback, articles and cover photos would be enthusiastically received.
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