For Vice-President

I graduated in 1975 from the U. of A. with a B.Sc. In Geophysics, and promptly headed to the field to start my career as a geophysicist in mining. After a couple of years tromping around the Territories and N. Saskatchewan, looking for uranium, I was fortunate to join Gulf Canada in as a trainee in their new processing centre. I eventually progressed to being an interpreter in the Foothills group. However opportunity beckoned elsewhere and over the years I have I worked for several companies, both large and small. I managed to squeeze in a stint in Australia working on the Canning basin and even spent some time as a consultant. The result is a wide range of experience, working in a variety of environments. It has given an appreciation that the needs of geophysicists who join our Society are wide ranging and the challenge for our Society is to be responsive to these needs.
I have been involved with the Society as a volunteer over the years in many ways, though primarily in the publications. I served as an Associate Editor for the now defunct Journal for a number of years, culminating in my serving as Editor for two terms in 1991-92 and as an interim Editor for the Recorder. Serving as Editor of the Journal was as a wonderful opportunity to keep current with technical advances and meet many interesting fellow geophysicists across the country. It also served as a good learning experience in what our members want. While striving to make the Journal a first rate publication that reflected well on the Society, which with the help of many other volunteers, it became apparent that it was not meeting our members needs. They did not see the benefit of spending their dues on the publication and it was phased out, to be replaced by the upgraded version of the Recorder we now see. The work of Satinder in achieving this first rate publication is to be applauded. I think all members find it useful source of information.
I have been asked to again volunteer by putting my name forward to run as Vice President and I am pleased to do so. I would like to spend my time in that position focussing on increasing services to our members. An excellent example an initiative that provides a valuable service is the Doodle Train, which the Society sponsors. It provides a wide variety of courses at an affordable cost to all members. Related to this is the emerging challenge to our Society of our demographics. As the average age of our members’ increases we will see growing numbers of our members retiring and our membership base beginning to erode. To keep our Society growing and vital the challenge will be to attract the new generation of geophysicists. This may mean looking beyond our traditional base of support, the oil and gas industry. An example is the growing environmental field. What courses and articles should we add to attract the interest of people practicing geophysics in this field? These are some issues I would like to see the executive address if I were elected to the position of Vice President.
For Vice-President

Several weeks ago, I was asked to let my name stand for the position of Vice President, CSEG. After discussing with my Wife, Gloria, the commitment required from both of us, she encouraged me to go forward and put my “hat in the ring.”
Born in Yorkton, Saskatchewan and raised in the Mile Zero City of Dawson Creek, the early 1970’s found me “Roughnecking” on an oil rig in the Chetwynd area of N.E. British Columbia. After getting thrown around the Rig floor for six or so months, I realized that this may not be the career for me to get into and out-of, with all my appendages, looking at the hands of the people I was working with. There had to be a better, safer, outdoor job that worked long hours and gave a person a chance to get ahead and quite possibly, “see the world.” A friend of mine mentioned to me one day that there was a “Seismic Crew” in the Hudson Hope area that needed, “JugHounds.” Not knowing what he was talking about, of course I was interested.
To make a longer story short, I was recruited by a Company called “Fairfield Industries” out of Texas that was working in North East British Columbia using a recording system we now remember as “Telseis.” This system is still being used today, it being one of the first Seismic Telemetry Systems in the world. I moved up in the ranks of the field operations in a very short time as all that was required it seemed, back in the seventies, was to show up for work in the morning “on-time” and “sober.” When Fairfield closed down operations in Canada, they asked me if I was interested in working for them in the Kenai Peninsula of Alaska. I accepted and found that I was now “hooked” into the world of Seismic.
After finishing the assignment in Alaska, Fairfield asked me if I would consider doing some shallow water marine work off the coast of Santa Barbara, California. For some unknown reason that to this day I can’t figure out, I turned it down and was hired by a local acquisition Company, Norcana Geophysical. Spending 8 years in various positions with Norcana, the lure of living in the United States, namely Phoenix, Arizona, appealed to me.
I was approached by some Americans who had developed a Van Conversion which was adapted to Wheel Chair transport from both the Passenger seat as well as the drivers seat. Thinking of the freedom this would allow the disabled, I jumped right in and moved to Phoenix to set up the marketing end of the operation.
I solicited my wife Gloria to come down with me and all went seemingly well until the Company realized they were under-funded and started “bouncing” our pay-cheques. This was a sure sign to get back to Canada and late 1987 saw us come back to Calgary where I took the position of V.P. Marketing with a young seismic start-up Company called Venture Seismic Ltd. Venture grew to a public corporation and 12 years later saw me finally leave the acquisition end of the Industry and go to work with my Wife Gloria in, at that time, her start-up Company called “Intercontinental Seismic Surveys Ltd.” where I still am today working actively as a “Seismic Data Broker.”
I began volunteering with various CSEG Convention Committees several years ago and have met some fantastic people in our Industry who have become personal friends. My latest volunteer position was as Co-Chair for the 2003 CSEG/CSPG Joint Convention which was held to record crowds in June of this year.
I look forward to assisting the society in whatever areas that I am needed and would be honored to serve.
Thank-you so-much for considering me for this position.
For Assistant Director of Education

Richard has worked in the Geophysical industry for twenty seven years. His first job was on a crew for United Geophysical, he then moved into the office with Geodigit (C.G.G.). After four years processing surface seismic data Richard moved to Suncor were he worked on internal processing projects quality control of third party software. From Suncor Richard joined PanCanadian doing processing Q.C. During his time with PanCanadian he worked on special projects that included borehole seismic, and co-authored a paper showing the use of V.S.P.’s in foothills exploration. The paper was presented at the 1989 S.E.G. convention and published in World Oil that same year. Richard left PanCanadian and joined Schlumberger in their borehole seismic group. During his time with Schlumberger he authored, or co-authored, several papers dealing with borehole geophysics. Richard put on several industry and University V.S.P. schools, and was involved with many industry and University evaluations. Richard recently moved back to Calgary from Nigeria and has joined Arcis Corporation as Vice President of Sales. He is an active member of the C.S.E.G. and the S.E.G. and has been involved in many C.S.E.G. conventions sitting on various committees.
For Assistant Director of Finance

Charlie was born in Wandering River, Alberta and grew up on a farm along with seven brothers and three sisters. When asked where Wandering River is, he’ll say “it’s about 125 miles southwest of Fort McMurray - not the end of the world, but you can just about see it from there.”
Charlie started his career in land seismic data acquisition in 1969 and has held the following positions: Seismic Surveyor, Survey Supervisor, Geophysical Operations Supervisor and Planning and Marketing Land Acquisition Manager. He was employed by Canwest Exploration Ltd., Overland Exploration, Vibro-x and Sefel Geophysical.
In November 1985, he formed Trefan Consultants Ltd. and contracted his services as Field Supervisor (Bird-Dog) to Norcen Energy Resources Ltd. until they hired him on a permanent basis in December 1989 as Geophysical Operations Specialist. He also supplied seismic field expertise to Norcen’s international team, traveling to Algeria, Argentina, Guatemala and Venezuela.
Through the acquisition/merger process, Charlie migrated from Norcen to Union Pacific Resources Ltd. to Anadarko Canada Corporation. Charlie is currently employed as the Field Acquisition Supervisor with Anadarko Canada Corporation’s Geophysics Group.
Charlie is an active member of the GSEG and SEG and has served on the CAPP Geophysical Committee (as chairman from 1999 – 2001) and the CAGC Geophysical and Doodlebug Committees.
Charlie possesses a good sense of humor and is a self-motivated learner (he says if he felt he could do it, he would do it). Charlie is honoured to have been invited to let his name stand for nomination for Assistant Director of Finance.
For Assistant Director of Member Services

François was born and raised in a small village in northwestern Québec. He obtained a B.Sc. in Meteorology from McGill University then completed a M.Sc. in Physical Oceanography at the Université du Québec in Rimouski. After consulting for Petro-Canada in Victoria, he moved East to Calgary to work for an environmental consulting firm. In 1981, François joined CGG as a programmer. Over the course of 12 years at CGG, he learned much about geophysics and many aspects of the seismic service industry such as user assistance and workstations. Responsibilities included training, workstation operation and processing. François later specialized in structural processing at Veritas. The calling for sales and marketing brought François to Exssel, and then to Kelman Technologies Inc. François is currently Manager, Marketing and International Sales at Kelman.
François’ history of involvement with the CSEG as a volunteer includes: responsibility for the Arrangements Committee for the CSEG convention, Chairman of the Ski Spree, and more recently volunteer for the Technical Luncheon committee. As marketing manager, François has been responsible for the presence of KTI at both the CSEG and SEG conventions, coordinating all aspects of KTI’s presence at both of these shows.
François would love to be given a chance to bring his organizational skills to the executive level of the CSEG. His experience within the CSEG as both volunteer and through his work with KTI gives François a good perspective and insight on the CSEG. If elected to this position, François will endeavour to continue the good work of his predecessors, and bring in a fresh perspective as needed.
For Assistant Director of Education

Rob has a B.Sc. in Geophysics from the University of Alberta and an M.Sc. from the University of Calgary in 1994. His thesis on elastic anisotropy won best M.Sc. thesis in geology and geophysics for his graduating year. Following three years of work in complex-structure imaging at Shell Canada, Rob went back to the University of Calgary in 1997 for Ph.D. studies, working on the problem of imaging below dipping anisotropic strata. He worked with Kelman developing their 2D anisotropic depth migration and model-building software for four years before moving on to Veritas GeoServices to pursue 3D anisotropic depth migration. Rob teaches a course on seismic anisotropy that has been offered in different venues around the world. Recognition for his work in anisotropic depth migration includes CSEG Best Paper, Honorable Mention for Best Paper in Geophysics, two awards for papers at the CSEG convention, and, most recently, the SEG’s J. Clarence Karcher Award for significant contributions to science by a young Geophysicist. Volunteer experience with the SEG and CSEG includes committee work for CSEG conventions, technical chairman and technical reviewer for SEG and CSEG conventions, and as a reviewer for Geophysics.
For Assistant Director of Finance

Debbie graduated from the University of Calgary in 1988 with a B.Sc. in Geophysics and a minor in Economics. She began her geophysical career processing seismic at Teknica Resource Development Limited. In 1989, she moved to Exploration Innovations, where she spent 4 years providing Landmark customer support services to clients. Debbie moved to PanCanadian Petroleum Ltd. in 1993 and spent her first two years there in the international division. She then transferred to the domestic side of the company where she has held various positions over the years, developing her seismic interpretation, IS project management, and leadership skills. She is currently a Staff Geophysicist at EnCana focused on interpretation in the Canadian Plains Region.
Debbie has been active as a volunteer in the CSEG over the years (with a hiatus since her son was born). She has been on several convention committees and was the Recorder Production Editor for a period of time. She has also volunteered with a number of charitable organizations including Project Read Soon (an adult literacy program), Woods Homes and the United Way. Debbie is a member of CSEG, SEG, and APEGGA. In her spare time, Debbie enjoys reading, cooking, power walking, camping and most of all, spending time with her husband and six year old son.
Debbie is honoured to have been nominated for the position of Assistant Director of Finance and will bring to the table the same commitment and dedication she has brought to her other volunteer and professional positions over the years. She will ensure that the financial position of the CSEG remains strong and will continue to build upon the good work done by her predecessors.
For Assistant Director of Member Services

Hartmut Janssen is one of the few remaining Canadians who was born and raised in Calgary. Coming from an immigrant family of 6 children, whose parents emigrated from Germany in 1952, Hartmut started his school journey enrolled in grade 1 unable to speak a single word of English. After several years of grade school his friends soon shortened his name to Hart, which has obviously stuck with him to the present day, much to the dismay of his mother.
Hart graduated from the University of Calgary in 1981 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Geography (Geomorphology) followed by a Certificate in Geophysics from S.A.I.T. He started his career in the geophysical industry in the summer of 1981, hired by Veritas as a Junior Seismic Processor. Veritas would be his home and training ground for the next 18 years holding progressively more responsible positions including Processing Supervisor, Manager of Geophysical Processing Services, and Vice-President of Business Development & Marketing. Having grown somewhat tired of Calgary and looking for an international adventure, Hart with his wife (Rachael) and 3 kids (Cheyenne, Jordan, Morgan) spent 1995/96 in South America as General Manager for Veritas’ processing operations in Venezuela. It was another opportunity to learn a foreign language, first there was English, and now Spanish. Today, their kids who are all teenagers by now often reflect on the very different and yet positive cultural experience they all enjoyed in Venezuela.
Having found his way back to Calgary, Hart is more passionate today than ever to continue his career in the geophysical industry. In early 2000 Hart joined the management team at Sensor Geophysical Ltd. which is where he makes his home today in the position of Manager, Seismic Processing Services.
Hart and his family have been avid participants of various CSEG social functions, especially the Ski Spree over the past two decades. Hart has been an active member of the CSEG since the early 80’s, however, never in a volunteer role, and as a result has finally decided to take on the challenge of potentially serving on the CSEG Executive.
Hart is also a member of the SEG, CSPG, Petroleum Society, and the Ontario Petroleum Institute.
For Assistant Director of Communications

Jason was born and grew up in the island of Borneo, in East Malaysia. He received a B.Sc. in Geophysics from the University of Calgary in 1980.
Jason’s first job was as a seismic processor for Western Geophysical in Singapore. In his 12 years with Western, he had also travelled and worked in Calgary, China and India. By 1992, Jason was asked to help set up Pulsonic’s Nigerian office in Lagos. After a brief service with GeoX in 1998, Jason was again asked to come back to CTC Pulsonic to help in the operations of the newly merged company. Another acquisition followed by CoreLab Reservoir Technologies in 2000, where Jason is presently VP of Canadian Operations. His dedication to the job and his team building efforts are fundamental to the success of the company he is with today.
Jason is a member of CSEG, SEG and EAGE. He is excited and honoured to be nominated as a candidate for the Director of Communications. He hopes to bring to CSEG the same level of enthusiasm and dedication as with his job.
for President

I have B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in physics from the University of Toronto, as well as a B.A. degree in philosophy from the U. of T. and a Ph.D. in geophysics (1987) from Cambridge University, England. I worked for Chevron both in Calgary and in La Habra, California from 1982 to 1984 and was Manager of Geophysical Research with Pulsonic Geophysical Ltd. from 1988 to 1996. I have been with Sensor Geophysical Ltd. in Calgary since 1996.
I have been involved mainly in the technical aspects of our society for many years, having presented and published many papers on seismic processing at CSEG and SEG meetings. I served as technical program chairman of the SEG 2000 Annual Meeting and of the 1993 CSEG Annual Meeting, and was chairman of SEG’s Distinguished Lecture committee in 2002. I was second vice-president of the CSEG in 1996-97 and was an associate editor (seismic processing) of Geophysics from 1998 to 2001. One of my specialities is processing and writing software for multicomponent seismic data, but I have interests in many other aspects of seismic processing and exploration.
I have mainly been involved in the technical aspects of the CSEG when volunteering for committees before now, but I am now running for Vice President because I want to help make our society continue to function for the benefit of Canadian exploration geophysicists well into the future. I have long seen the need for a distinctively Canadian exploration geophysical society, not just because we are geographically separate, but because our geophysical problems, and solutions, are often quite different from the rest of the world. Canadian geophysicists are widely recognized for their strong technical and business background and for their good nature. We need to ensure that the many individuals who volunteer for the SEG are able to pursue their good ideas to fruition, as they have in the past. In that way, I believe that young people will naturally be attracted to our profession, and our society will flourish in the future.
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