The March 9 luncheon is being devoted to conducting the society’s business meeting: Treasurer’s year end report; report from the President; and installation of the 1993 Executive, as well as the annual awards presentations.

Recipients of our Awards are as follows: Best Paper Award to: Mark Harrison for his paper “Anisotropy and Migration for Converted-Wave Data” presented at the October CSEG Technical Luncheon. Meritorious Service to: Ralph Lundberg - Ralph is receiving long overdue recognition for his significant contributions to our society. He has served on and presided over many CSEG committees, edited our newsletter, represented us internationally, and participated in special projects of the Society; and Nancy Shaw - Nancy’s continuing service to the CSEG has included participating in several committees, including a remarkable contribution on six convention committees since 1984. Most recently Nancy chaired the group that achieved the successful 1992 National Convention; Honorary Membership to Dr. Peter Gretener - Our society is fortunate that Peter chose Canada for his home as he pursued a career of exploration, research and teaching that has been truly international in scope. This award recognizes Peter’s long term commitment to the Calgary and international geophysical community; and the CSEG Medal to Hugh Stanfield - Hugh’s entrepreneurial touch has been instrumental in the creation and growth of several of the major exploration service companies in our community. He continues to devote his skills and knowledge to the expansion of our industry. Hugh’s service to the geophysical community is being honored by this award.

The opportunity to recognize the contributions of our award winners is a special occasion. Please be there to add your applause. A cash bar will be available for this special meeting.



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