One of our main concerns as board members of the CSEG is ensuring our members find value in our society. To fulfill this, we offer a variety of events and workshops that can benefit and engage all of our members. These range from social mixers to educational courses like those held on Doodle- Train to sporting events like Doodlespiel. The CSEG is a technical society and it is of utmost importance we provide applicable and desirable technical courses and resources containing material that is up to date and evolving with the times. It is also important in these hard economic times to provide social events that are fun and great for networking.

To ensure our members are satisfied with our programs and events we recently sent out a survey. The following points summarize the results found to be the most relevant to Member Services:

Our members value a combination of social, educational and volunteer opportunities
New social events members would be most interested in would be a Holiday Season Party or a Field Trip
New educational events members would be most interested in would be collaborative workshops or conferences with EAGE or SEG, free informal “meet-ups” on industry topics, and special interest groups like Lunchbox Geophysics
Members are most interested in CSEG advocacy through educational seminars targeted at the public and Canadian trade bodies
The RECORDER is a valuable resource for our members and 82% of those surveyed access the RECORDER

We’d like to thank those who took the time to answer this survey. This feedback will help the CSEG to continue providing education and services that our members find the most valuable.

The CSEG executive held a strategy session with committee chairs on January 29, 2019 to discuss how as a society we should be moving forward. The discussion resulting from these points will help the CSEG create goals for the upcoming year which will be outlined at the AGM on March 27, 2019. Using the survey feedback and considering our core strategy themes of financial health, member value, promotion of profession, and position of society, the following four topics were developed:

Communication in the digital world
Member value

These four points are something we want both the executive and the committees to consider when making decisions in the future.

We’re in the midst of addressing the first point with the Communication executive and the DMC still working hard on digitizing and creating easier access to CSEG information and articles. Most recently, this includes improving the CSEG event calendar, increasing presence on social media, and advertising on the CSEG website.

It has long been on our radar that a majority of our membership comes from Calgarian industry professionals. Increasing membership and advocacy, especially in Eastern Canada, is something we are striving for to truly make us a Canadian wide society. One step we have taken toward including more educational opportunities across Canada is to hold the first annual Doodleship, a 2.5 day course in interpretation, this month in St. John’s, Newfoundland.

The number of events that are available to members would not be possible without volunteers. The CSEG is proud to boast of our many passionate volunteers and greatly appreciates all the time and effort they dedicate to contributing to the CSEG. Every year we host a Volunteer Appreciation party at the end of March for all of our wonderful volunteers. This year it will be taking place on March 27 after the AGM luncheon.

We seek to deliver the services for our members and greatly value your feedback. We encourage our members to become involved in our society by volunteering, attending events and workshops, and providing input about member value.



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