We are well into Autumn, now. I’m writing it as the day-length cycle is just starting to plunge towards the winter solstice. Laurie Weston Bellman has finished her CSEG Distinguished Lecture Tour.

We hope your Thanksgiving weekend was filled with friends, family, and good cheer. Pretty soon, little fairytale creatures, colourful superheroes, and face-painted monsters will be knocking on doors and traipsing down the halls of malls and schools for Halloween.

Our big event in November – DoodleTrain – is shaping up well. Thanks, DoodleTrain Committee, for your effort.

Submissions for this edition were arriving as Hurricane Harvey hit Houston, and the Special Coordinator, Rob Holt, evacuated his family for safety. Thanks Rob and Fereidoon for your flexibility and commitment to this edition!

My first Chief Editor message, in the December 2016 edition, announced Rob’s departure to Houston. I am having a great time as Chief; I am learning so much! One thing that I’m learning is the need to delegate, therefore I decided to delegate half of the Chief Editor tasks, and the title. I am happy to announce that Brian Schulte will be stepping in as Chief Editor. You may have seen his LinkedIn message. Talk about star power! His message had over 12,000 hits.

I will still be managing the submissions, the nitty gritty tasks, as Associate Editor. I am sure that I will learn as much, if not more, from Brian as he thinks he’ll learn from me. I hope that I will have more time to spend on several special projects such as Keywords.

If you enjoy reading past articles, let us know. We need readers to give us keywords (tags) to help make it easier to find related articles on the RECORDER website. Andrew Mills and Jason Hendrick have been a great help with this project. Email editor@csegrecorder.com for information.



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