Summary of the Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) 2012 in Banff, Alberta, Canada

The 2012 Joint CGU (Canadian Geophysical Union) and CWRA (Canadian Water Resources Association) Spring Meeting took place in Banff, AB, on June 6-8th. There were over 550 attendees, with many undergraduate and graduate students from universities across Canada, including University of Western Ontario, University of Saskatchewan, McGill University and many others. The conference focused on water resources management and global geophysics topics, with new oral presentations and posters each day. The CSEG Foundation University Student Outreach division attended, with a booth to promote awareness of the organization and of their opportunities and resources available to the delegates and students. The CGU/CWRA Spring Meeting will be held in Regina next year. We would like to thank Kristy Manchul, Karen Chong, Stephen Kotkas and Kyla Bishop for their help in volunteering at the booth.



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