Finally, the holiday season is over! No more last minute shopping trips. No more traffic jams (hopefully) for another year. We have just wrapped up a long year facing oil prices – occasionally plunging below that of 1986. That translates to the least number of active seismic exploration crews seen in many years. Recent mergers of major oil companies promise this year to be an interesting one. In any event, with the continuing support of our sponsors, The Recorder is prepared to serve our membership in the months leading to the year 2000.
In this issue, two of the Superfund's recipients will share their experiences at the science teacher session in New Orleans. This professional development session was developed by SEG and the Louisiana Teachers Association and thanks to the CSEG Superfund, two of our finest teachers were sent to New Orleans to attend. We will also visit "Before The First Shot", the fall 1998 Seismic Acquisition forum with Nattalia. Perry Kotkas, with his humorous writing style will give us a tour of "Behind the scene" that outlines the efforts and planning of that forum. You will find out how Perry was roped in to organizing the event and how he "conned" others to put together such a fine forum for our membership.
The ballot for next Year's Executive election is probably out by the time you read this article. Please join us to welcome the new group of volunteers, who despite the difficulties in this industry's downturn, are committed to help out our society. Happy 1999!
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