By the time you read this epistle I will have been handed the ceremonial gavel and called my first CSEG meeting to order as the incoming president. While somewhat prepared for this office by serving on last year's executive, theory is often much kinder than actual practice. As first VP, I was kept informed of society events on a need to know basis for the first part of my term. As the time for the new mandate approached I became increasingly involved in the day-to-day operations of the society and its committees and the interaction of the CSEG with sister organizations. Since the start of 1999 I have accumulated 78 messages on my e-mail regarding CSEG business. They are starting to arrive at an increased rate each day. Rather than complain, I mention this only to illustrate to you the amount of communication that occurs behind the scenes. Many members view the society in terms of the luncheon meetings, the Recorder, and the annual convention. Each of these services take a lot of effort on the part of volunteers to make them happen. There are other committees and services that many members do not see. The functioning of the front office, the Super fund and Scholarship committees, the Website (, the journal, the committees for the Geophysical Chair at the U of C and the APEGGA liaison are but a few of the areas to which members, other than the elected executive, contribute time.

On February 20 of this year we began what we hope will become an annual event for the executive committee. The old executive and the newly elected executive gathered in a room for an entire day to discuss the direction of the society, continuity of programs and visions for the future. Out of that meeting a new committee consisting of the old executive members was struck. Its name was glibly called the Vision Committee. Its mandate was to summarize the extensive discussion of the meetings proceedings and recommend a plan of action to move the more imperative issues forward to the new executive for execution. At its first meeting recommendations were made to modify the Website committee, the convention committee and the APEGGA liaison committee to include legacy planing, change of scope and reporting lines to the executive committee. Future items for discussion include a new education committee and possible services for unemployed members. If you have any ideas on how the society can adapt to the changing needs of the membership into the new century, feel free to contact any of the members of the executive committee. You elected us and we are here to work for you.

One issue that you will hear of increasingly is the 50th anniversary of the CSEG. I would like to see the beginning of a committee of interested members formed who wish to plan and execute an event or series of events celebrating this milestone in our history. I urge you to contact me if you are so inclined, else I might be forced to find volunteers and you might be my choice!

I look forward to serving the CSEG in the next year. I think it will be a rewarding experience and a lot of fun.

Doug Pruden, P. Geoph.



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