A year ago I joined the CSEG executive as the Assistant Director of Finance under the expert guidance of Kelly Jamison, Director of Finance, for the first year of a two year term. A year has now passed with Kelly taking a well-deserved rest as his term is completed; I have moved up to Director of Finance for this year with Wade Brillon joining our team as Assistant Director of Finance. I want to thank Kelly for his three years (he had the privilege of serving an extra year) of service to the CSEG in the finance area. I appreciate the time Kelly took to mentor me and I look forward to passing this on to Wade through this year.

The CSEG is in great financial shape due to excellent financial management and a healthy oil & gas industry. Our income was up relative to budget due to a successful Joint Convention with the CSPG and CWLS and a very successful Doodle Train this past November. Our expenses were down relative to budget due mainly to lower administrative expenses with reduced rent when we moved into our new office location mid-year. This yielded a surplus for 2011 of almost two hundred and fifty thousand dollars that we were able to contribute to the CSEG Foundation corpus. This is exciting, as the CSEG Foundation has now passed the one million dollar level. This solidifies the CSEG Foundation as it expands its reach in the coming years.

I know when someone starts speaking of finances most people’s eyes glaze over and their minds wander off to think of a more exciting topic. The finances are the basis for all that we do as a society, all of our programs and services are funded out of this much like our home and family life is based on our bank accounts and our income each month. The many committees serving us and our society use this financial base to run their various programs. They are the ones that deliver the programs and services that we all enjoy.

My job is made simpler by our office staff, Jim and Sheryl, who look after all the day to day activities of our society. They run not only an efficient office but also interface with the many committees serving all of us. Through my involvement this past year on the executive I have become more aware of the many and varied committees serving us throughout the year. I know we are well served by this impressive array of volunteers. If you are not currently involved as a volunteer, consider volunteering; I am sure there is a spot that matches your skills and interests. It is as simple as contacting Jim or Sheryl at the CSEG office.



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