Dear Grapevine Readers,
I hope you are enjoying both the Grapevine and Tracing the Industry columns in the RECORDER. Carmen Swalwell and myself are working hard to make these editorials interesting for the CSEG members. We invite you to please contact us with industry news to include in both columns.
Core Lab RTD's Client Open House
Core Lab Reservoir Technologies Division hosted an Open House on January 29th. Core Lab RTD would like to thank the more than one hundred and fifty clients who braved the -30 degree temperatures to visit their new office location in Palliser Square and make this event a ringing success.
With processing centres in Calgary, Houston, and Mexico, Core Lab RTD offers the full range of seismic processing, advanced reservoir geophysics, and depth imaging, as well as integrated multi-disciplinary projects. For more information please visit the company's website:
Doodlebug Hosts Sponsor Event
On January 22nd, the 2004 Doodlebug Golf Committee held a highly successful Sponsor Appreciation party at the top of the Calgary Tower. Chairman and Platinum level sponsors of the 2003 Doodlebug (see were invited. The food, drink and socializing were excellent, not to mention the spectacular view of Calgary's skyline from the top of the Tower! Many thanks to organizer and 2004 Vice Chairman Derek Boeckx.
2004 Chairman Oliver Kuhn gave a sincere thanks to the numerous sponsors, emphasizing the deep appreciation of all Doodlebug golfers for the tremendous support the tournament receives from the geophysical community. Oliver also introduced the incoming members to the committee and outlined plans for the 2004 event, to be held in Jasper, Alberta. He anticipates the tournament to be well attended and well supported by sponsors. The tournament should fill up fairly quickly, so get your registration forms in as soon as possible.
2004 CSEG Convention Technical Committee Call for Papers
The Technical Program Committee, led by Satinder Chopra, is well underway with plans for the upcoming 2004 convention. The committees call for papers for the 2004 CSEG National Convention took place with an extended submission deadline of February 8th, 2004. Many thanks to those who submitted papers. Technical papers on all aspects of geophysics will be considered for oral and poster presentation. The Committee will notify authors by the end of March 2004.
In addition to the traditional subject areas, the Technical Committee actively solicited presentations for special sessions. The special session presentations will be made in an extended 45-minute format.
Members of the technical committee are as follows: Satinder Chopra, Kim Head, John Logel, John Bancroft, Todor Todorov, Tod Mojesky, Dave Gray, Paul Anderson, Sandor Bezdan, Nilanjan Ganguly, Karen Brawley-Hogg, Penny Colton , Brian Hoffe, Yong Xu, Janet Porter-Chaudhry, Carolyn Niemi and Joanne Lanteigne.
DIVESTCO INC. Announces Purchase of Seismic Data
January 9, 2004, CALGARY, ALBERTA - Divestco Inc. (TSX-V: "DVT') ("Divestco") announced today that it has agreed to the purchase of 31,544 Km's of 2d seismic data and 1,433 sq. Km's of 3d seismic data from a major oil and gas company. The expected closing date for the purchase is February 2, 2004.
When commenting on the acquisition, Mr. Stephen Popadynetz said "This dataset allows Divestco to compete in several additional markets. We already have the largest seismic brokerage business in Canada and, along with our seismic interpretation software, it allows us to quickly maximize this asset. We can offer new unique solutions to our customers and allow them to more efficiently explore for oil and gas in Canada."
Divestco is actively involved in the North American oil and gas software and services industry, and markets over 20 separate software applications that are widely used in both North America and international marketplaces.
For more information please contact:
Divestco Inc.
Mr. Stephen Popadynetz
Chief Executive Officer
Tel 403-218-6466
Welcome the New CSEG Executive
Congratulations to the new CSEG Executive who were voted in during the recent Election in December. The New Executive for 2004 include:
Jim Stenhouse - Vice President
Francois Aubin - Assistant Director of Member Services
Rob Vestrum - Assistant Director of Education Services
Deborah White - Assistant Director of Finance
Jason Choo - Assistant Director of Communications
Fun-filled Weekend in Banff for the 2003 CSEG DoodlespieI

The CSEG Doodlespiel celebrated it's 32nd year in Banff over the weekend of January 30th - February 1st, 2004. The event started off on Friday morning with games at the curling rinks in Springbank, Canmore and Banff. This year's Doodlespiel Champions are the team led by Larry Herd. Larry's teammates include Ron Ewing, Barrie Wright and Murray Jasmari. Way to go guys!
The Doodlespiel held another successful Saturday night social event at the Rose and Crown. Teams met for some fun, food, drinks and pool games at the popular local pub. Unfortunately, there were a few teams who faced their next match on Saturday night at 10:00pm, however, they met up with the fun later on in the evening.
The success of this year's Doodlespiel goes out to the organizing committee for their countless hours of volunteer work leading up to the event and throughout the weekend. A big thank you to Rob Langill (Chairman), Marty Sommerville (Vice Chairman & Draw Master), Darrel Jackson (Finance & Sponsorship), Steve Fuller (Assistant), Allison Niemi (Special Arrangements), Jim Ross (Assistant) and Chris Barton (Past Chairman).
In addition, thank you to all the Sponsors whose kind generosity and donations to this event enables the Doodlespiel spirit to continue year after year.
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