Happy June! It’s an interesting time in the Canadian oil patch, where we are operating in untried environments, and there is a lot of speculation on future successes. Be it a new provincial government in Alberta or an artificial recession based on low oil prices, I will say one thing… our industry is resilient. We are adaptable.
Calgary Geoscience Data Managers Network
“Learn @ Lunch”
Wednesday, June 17th 2015, 12pm – 1pm
Katalyst Data Management has generously donated a meeting space in the Aquitaine Auditorium, +15 level of 540 – 5 Avenue SW for this and future luncheons.
This session, our presentation will highlight: “Seismic Field and Stack Formats.” We are very pleased to have Eric Keyser presenting. The meeting is free but space is limited so please RSVP to Kate Smiley at rsvp.cgdmnet@gmail.com.
We invite all those who are interested to join our LinkedIn group ‘Calgary GeoScience Data Managers Network’ or check out our website www.cgdmnet.com.
We welcome any and all ideas at: ideas.cgdmnet@gmail.com
CSEG T-Wave Tournament
Monday, June 22nd, 2015
The 7th Annual CSEG T-Wave tournament will be played at the Inglewood Golf & Curling Club on Monday, June 22, 2015. This half day scramble tournament (1:00 pm shotgun start) is a way for CSEG members to spend a relaxed afternoon with their colleagues and industry brethren on a beautiful golf course, in a non-competitive tournament geared for all golfers: men and women, low and high handicappers. This event is intended to be a mixed networking event for all CSEG members. Come join us in June and see why this tournament is always sold out. Registration forms are available on the website at cseg.ca/social/t-wave-golf-tournament.
Save the Date: 2015 Doodlebug Golf Tournament
August 20th – 22nd, 2015
The CSEG Doodlebug Golf tournament is one of the premier social events of the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists. Each year members of the society gather to determine who will reign as Mr. Doodlebug for the current year.
This year the event will be back at the Kimberley Alpine Resort, in beautiful Kimberley, British Columbia. Members of the CSEG are slotted into flights of eight, where players go head to head in match play, on day one. The overall winner of each flight will be determined in stroke play format during day two.
Socials Thursday and Friday with a dinner and dance with awards Saturday round out the weekday’s full entertainment. Spouses and significant others are welcome and encouraged to attended, with a full program of entertainment.
As with all CSEG social events all members are invited to join in for the Doodlebug. For registration and sponsorship information check the website: www.doodlebuggolf.ca.
Women In Seismic – 15th Anniversary
Please keep Thursday, September 10th open for the 15th Annual WiSE Golf Tournament at Fox Hollow. Registration for the event is now open. Please visit the CSEG website for registration details: cseg.ca/social/wise-golf-tournament
In keeping with past years, we will once again be raising money for the Alberta Cancer Foundation to help find cures for ovarian and breast cancers. 2015’s theme will be “Superheroes: Fighting for Freedom From Women’s Cancers for 15 Years!” We have also been promised by Mother Nature that we will have a snowdrift free day this year!
For Sponsorship opportunities, please contact Kristy Manchul at kristy.manchul@edge-tech.ca or via cellular at 403-585-5204. For Silent Auction, Raffle and Team Prizes, please contact Caroline Mongrain at caroline. mongrain@katalystdm.com.

L-R: Roger Bilger – CSEG Ski Spree Chairman; Joy Park – Donation Coordinator; Janeen Webb – Director Donor Relations; Andrew Lane – CSEG Ski Spree Vice Chairman
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