This Christmas, my husband Kelly got a great gift. It is a very well designed pannier called the Commuter Pannier, and is specifically for bike commuters who want to bring their work clothes with them. We found out that a geophysicist, Craig Coulombe (Vermilion Energy), had designed it 10 years ago. Craig designed it after being frustrated by cycling to work with a backpack and wrinkled clothes. Quite impressive Craig! For all you cyclists out there, you can check it out at It is always nice to know that our community has such talented people.

This column is not just for new job announcements. If you have anything that you would like to share with the RECORDER, send it to me. I am open to new ideas!


Apoterra Seismic Processing is pleased to announce that Dr. Xishuo Wang has joined their team as a Senior Researcher. Xishuo is well known in seismic processing circles for leading edge software development, especially in the areas of deconvolution, noise attenuation, and prestack interpolation. Apoterra ( is committed to R&D and the Calgary geophysical industry, and with Xishuo onboard will be able to serve seismic interpreters even better. Xishuo can be reached at or 403-261-0681.

Jean Arseneault wishes to announce that he is now working at CalValley Petroleum as a consultant geophysicist. During working hours, he can be reached at jarseneault@calvalleypetroleum. com or by phone at 403-297-0478.

Ashley Bender is pleased to announce that she has joined the SPAN group at Ion Geophysical/GX Technology processing marine seismic data. Ashley can be reached via email or phone 403-213-8784.

Arcis is pleased to announce these recent additions to their team:

Albert Scutt comes to Arcis in the role of Group Leader, Land Processing. Albert most recently worked in Houston, TX for Petroleum Geo- Services (PGS) as a Project Leader. He has over 17 years of experience in the geophysical industry, 14 of those in data processing. Albert can be reached at 403.781.5859 or

Femi Ogunsuyi recently joined the Arcis team in the position of Seismic Data Processor. He holds an M.Sc. in Geophysics from the University of Alberta, and brings with him 5 years of geoscience experience at Schlumberger & ExxonMobil in Nigeria. Femi can be reached at 403.781.6225 or

Fernando Cerda joined the Reservoir Services group in the position of Reservoir Geophysicist. He comes to Arcis with more than 11 years of experience in Reservoir Description, Reservoir Characterization, and Seismic Data Processing. He has worked globally, most recently with Petroleum Geo- Services (PGS) in London, England. Fernando can be reached at 403.781.6241 or

Greg Deutscher has joined Arcis in the role of Seismic Data Processor. He is a recent grad of the University of Alberta, where he earned a B.Sc. in Geophysics. He recently worked at Earth Signal as a summer student, where he gained experience writing geometries and processing data. Greg can be reached at 403.781.5858 or

Peter Cheesbrough joined Arcis as a Human Resources Sr. Generalist. Peter holds a bachelors Degree in Economics from California State University in Northridge, as well as a graduate diploma in Human Resources from St. Lawrence College in Kingston, and is currently being certified as a professional co-active coach with CTI. Peter joins Arcis with five years of experience, three in the oil and gas service industry working for CGGVeritas. Peter is responsible for managing the day to day Human Resources function at Arcis and can be reached at 403.781.1428 or

Mitch Preston joins Arcis in the role of Geophysical Technologist. Mitch is a recent grad who holds a B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Calgary. He comes to us from Pure Technologies, where he worked as a Data Analyst. Mitch can be reached at 403.781.5854 or

Tyler MacFarlane joins the Arcis team in the role of Seismic Data Processor. Tyler is a recent grad who holds a B.Sc. in Geophysics from the University of Calgary, and he has served three work terms at Enerplus, Talisman, and Schlumberger. Tyler can be reached at 403.781.6230 or



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