This year’s GeoConvention, recovery 2011 has two new social events: the Monday Night After Party and the Tuesday Night Social Event. The Monday Night After Party is combining with the Under 35 Networking Event. Tickets for both events are $15 and you can purchase them online at Both events will sell out, so get your tickets early.
I have the privilege this month of sharing Judi MacDonald’s (MacDonaldCole) story of her journey through the seismic industry. Judi conceived of and started the Tracing the Industry column. I have been proud and fortunate to carry on her legacy. This has become one of the most widely read features in the CSEG RECORDER and we all owe Judi for that. Judi is the Exhibit Chair for this year’s convention and I work closely with her as the Sponsorship Chair. I am also very happy to have her as a valued friend. Thank you Judi.
We have included two of the very first columns that Judi contributed. There are certainly names that I recognize and I am sure you will too.
I also want to thank Brad Torry (Arcis Corporation) for sharing information on the charity he is involved with, Providence Children Centres.
The RECORDER Committee is pleased to announce that the CSEG RECORDER has brought on Sandy Lucas as our new Advertising Manager. Sandy's vast experience and connections in sales and marketing will help increase revenues to the RECORDER. The additional revenues will enhance the value to our members by providing additional space for technical articles, announcements, interviews, etc. Your feedback and suggestions for new advertising that will benefit our readers will be greatly appreciated. You can send your comments to
Mohammed Al-Ibrahim has joined the CSEG RECORDER Committee as a Photo Associate Editor. Mohammed has two years experience working for Saudi Aramco from 2007 to 2009 in various assignment including seismic interpretation, processing, and acquisition. He graduated from University of Calgary with a B.Sc. in Geophysics in 2007 and completed a Professional Management Certificate in 2010. Currently, he is looking for a geophysicist position where his technical skills and creativity can be fully utilized. Mohammed can be contacted at 403-971-6842 or by email at
The team at Edge Technologies is pleased to welcome two new employees. Kelsey Shorten ( is a recent graduate of McMaster who started with us late last year, and Jennifer Smith (jennifer.smith@edgetech. ca) from the U of C in March. We are excited to be entering our ninth year of operations with two great additions to our crew of processors. You can find us online at or give us a call at 403-770-0440.
Questerre Energy Corporation is pleased to announce that Basim Faraj has joined the company as Vice President International. Basim can be reached at 403-777-1592, cell 403- 629-5716 or
Divestco Inc. is pleased to announce that Lavdosh Bubeqi has joined the Divestco Processing team as Director, Processing. Lavdosh graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Geophysics in 1990 and has over 20 years’ experience in the geophysical industry. His significant business development and operations knowledge comes from roles ranging from Processing Centre Manager to Country Manager in multiple countries. Most recently, Lavdosh was the Business Development Manager for CGGVeritas’ operations in France.
Lavdosh brings considerable technical knowledge, business and operational experience to the role and looks forward to making contact with his friends and peers in Calgary. Lavdosh will be located in our new offices in Centennial Place, downtown Calgary and can be contacted at 587-952- 8014 or at
Divestco is an exploration services company dedicated to providing a focused offering of data, software and services to the oil and gas industry. Through our continued commitment to innovative products and services, Divestco is creating an unparalleled set of solutions and unique benefits for the marketplace. Divestco’s products and services offer customers the ability to access and analyze the information required to make business decisions and to optimize their success in the upstream oil and gas industry.
Divestco is headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol “DVT”. For more information please contact us at
JEBCO Seismic (Canada) Company has a new Canadian office location: Suite 800, 350 – 7th Ave. SW. ,Calgary, Alberta T2P 3N9
Andy Vernon will be responsible for this Canadian division. He will market JEBCO’s existing seismic and gradiometry database and promote new participation surveys for both seismic and gradiometry.
JEBCO’s core areas in Canada are:
CABIN CREEK 3D/ Foothills – TWP 55 – 60, RGE 1 – 8W6 / 2800 sq. km.
CONROY CREEK 3D British Columbia – 94 H 5 / 215
MUSKWA-KECHIKA BC– 94 B/G / 6000 Gradiometry
EAST COAST OFFSHORE – Two 2D programs NORTH FLEMISH PASS and SCOTIA SHELF EAST / combined total 5000+ kms.
Andy has over 25 years experience in the oil and gas service industry – highlighted recently as VP Marketing with ReSurge Ltd. and past business partner with Pulse. Andy Vernon can be reached at: Direct line (403) 705-1925; Cell (403) 389 – 6286 or
Houston office: Wayne Turner Office (713) 975 – 0202 Cell (713) 906 – 7870 or
How I got involved in the Seismic Industry...
Judi MacDonald – MacDonaldCole
When asked to write an article about my years working within the oil and gas industry, which now spans some 34 years, I thought what in heavens name would I write about! Having spent some time thinking about it, I realized I would like to take this occasion to share with all of you how volunteering for our wonderful society – the CSEG – has benefited me.
When I started with Petty-Ray Geophysical in 1977 as a Sales Coordinator, there were very few women working in the industry in a professional capacity. That is the first time I heard about the CSEG and I began to volunteer in different capacities. It was around this time that I also became involved in the CSEG Ladies Auxiliary, which was formed for and by the wives of the CSEG members. This organization is no longer an organized group but back then these ladies volunteered many hours towards assisting the CSEG, such as heading up the convention registration and then organizing the Spring Ball, which was always held at the end of the annual convention. I loved heading up this committee – it was delightful to see everyone coming out in their tuxes and long dresses to celebrate the success of the show.
After leaving Petty-Ray, I worked for Seiscom Delta United as their Sales and Marketing Advisor. During those years, our industry was booming and one of my responsibilities was to pursue work south of the border. At the height of the boom, there were 48 +/- processing companies operating out of Denver. While at Seiscom I was called upon again to offer my volunteer services as Arrangement Chairman, Publicity Chairman and Spring Ball Chairman for several CSEG Conventions.
In the fall of 1983, Veritas Seismic Processing recruited me. I can only surmise that my hiring as their Marketing Manager must have stirred the interest of the media, as it appears it was a significant event back then and an article was published in an issue of OILWEEK in October of that year. Quoting from the article it stated: “One of the less technical, but more interesting occurrences in Calgary’s geophysical community this fall was the decision by Veritas Seismic Ltd. to hire a full time marketing representative, and begin an ongoing, consistent effort to promote the company actively through a planned marketing strategy.” I found out a little later it was the fact that I was the first woman to be hired in this field as a full time sales/marketing representative that seemed to interest the media. Even today I find that interesting, as I never experienced any chauvinism from the people I worked with and the companies and people I marketed to, as they seemed to respect me for the professional work I was undertaking. I do remember there was one time when I was organizing an event at the Petroleum Club (which at that time only men were allowed in). When I made the appointment I remember being asked if I would go around and enter the club through the back doors. Of course I refused and walked in the front doors of the club. It is interesting how times have changed.
I am proud to say that the ‘Tracing the Industry” column was an idea I came up with and I was so excited when the Editors of the CSEG RECORDER thought it was a good idea as well. When the first article came out, which I think was around 1985, it covered mostly information regarding where people were working or moving to. I am glad that this column still exists today.
During my 10 years with Veritas, I was honoured to be able to continue my volunteering with the CSEG. I believed that the society needed a more updated display booth so we created a new one that was portable and could travel to various locations within Calgary and in outreach communities. In 1989, I travelled to Victoria for the CSEG and exhibited in the Rocks, Rigs, and Roughnecks Days at the Royal British Columbia Museum. The event was very successful with over 15,000+ people attending. It was something that I hoped the CSEG would continue being involved in which of course would bring our industry closer to the public. I continued on for a few years taking the booth to various other shows and organizing teams of volunteers to travel with it.
I was elected CSEG Treasurer for a term and then the following year I was asked to take on the responsibility of marketing the ‘Traces Through Time’ book. Many volunteers worked endlessly on the writing and research, which was a ‘best seller’ within our industry.
Together with other great volunteers, I headed up the Ski Spree Committee for 3 years. During those years, this event was organized completely by the CSEG Ladies Auxiliary. In 1988 the Society was most gracious in bestowing on me the Meritorious Service Award. In 1998, Grafton (my husband) and I were voted Mr. and Mrs. Ski Spree, an honour given for years of volunteer work.
I am now a partner in a company that offers Graphic Design, Trade Show Management and Web Development Services. When we started MacDonaldCole 21 years ago, many companies I developed relationships with through my time as a volunteer, trusted us with their initial support and continue to trust and support MacDonaldCole today.
People ask me why I am still working and it is because I love the industry, I admire the people who work in it and I love the characters I have known in the past and continue to meet today.
In the present climate, coming out of one of the worst recessions in our history, it is even more imperative that we give of ourselves and continue to think of others. It is easy to sit back and assume we personally are having the worst of times but you only have to read the press or listen to the oil patch grapevine to realize how lucky and blessed we are as there is always someone out there who needs our help. I trust our industry will be judged on our compassion and generosity as well as our professionalism and there is no better way to express this than in our wish to volunteer.
With much appreciation,
Judi MacDonald
Many members of our community give tirelessly to worthwhile charities. In this portion of the column, readers have a chance to share information about the charity that is close to their heart. Raise awareness for your charity and events supporting it! I am particularly pleased to share this story with you because I was fortunate to attend a fundraising event for Providence Children Centres. It was a fantastic event with many people from our industry in attendance. CS
Brad Torry – Arcis Corporation
Well Carmen, it’s only been two years since you asked me to write about my involvement in Providence Children Centres. Prior to talking about the charity itself, I want to take a moment to talk about our role as geophysicists and professionals in the petroleum industry. With the recent state of the global economy, we feel its impact on our personal lives and our organizations and may lose the broader perspective. We have all experienced challenges over the past year; dealing with or knowing of job loss, increased stress in home and business and many other effects of a challenging economy. We must however recognize that we live in an affluent city offering great opportunities. Recognizing that no matter how bad things get, we have been given the opportunity to participate in an industry and a life that has much to offer; there is always someone who has greater challenges. This can provide inspiration to us all. It is my belief, both personally and as corporate citizens, that we must be part of our community outside our industry and find ways to give back.
At Arcis, each member of the executive team has made a commitment to give time to a charitable organization of their choice. Additionally, we provide opportunity for our staff to participate in community giving by providing two days a year of time off with pay to volunteer for charitable organizations (many of which are organized as team days in the community).

My personal commitment to the community has led me to a long term relationship with Providence Children Centres. I was first introduced to Providence by Mr. Bill Dirks of Samson Canada, who supported the organization at many levels. Upon the sale of Samson Canada and Bill’s departure back to the US, the organization had a need for someone to step forward and support their efforts. The vision, philosophy and results obtained by the staff at Providence are very well aligned with our organization and my family’s values, which made the decision to get involved very simple.
Providence started under the direction of the Sisters of Charity of Providence in 1943. It was a foundling home for abandoned children, and centre for the care of children in need (including those with disabilities). Many older Calgarians still remember The Creche, as it was known then. In 1968 Providence grew to become a day care for children of working parents in need, where they could be assured their children were being well cared for. Even then, the program was designed to meet the needs of every child – physical, emotional, social, educational, psychological and spiritual. As it evolved, The Creche was formed as a Society under a Board of community leaders. It was named Providence Child Development Society in 1971 to more accurately reflect the goals of the organization. Its day care program integrated “typically developing” children with those with disabilities, the only program of its kind in Alberta. True to its roots, Providence still maintained a residence and maternity home with programs for unwed mothers.
Providence continues to evolve. The organization’s role as a preschool serving children with disabilities and their families continues to grow and its programs and services are second to none. Providence’s programs are grounded in the Early Intervention model that emphasizes what can be done if we get to children early in life rather than waiting for problems to become more difficult to deal with later. It focuses on providing health, education and therapeutic services through its very talented staff of teachers and therapists. The results of these Early Intervention programs are phenomenal. Children will achieve about 80 percent of their personal educational and therapeutic goals. Many children go on to public school, not requiring help in their school years, saving our social system considerable money over the long term.
I am often asked whether my involvement is based on personal benefits my family has experienced from Providence. To the contrary, we are grateful to have four healthy children and are thankful that we have not needed the services offered. It is my fundamental belief that every child deserves the best opportunity to succeed in life, and the efforts of Providence’s Early Intervention programs are paramount to providing this to children. Originating at its core facility in Windsor Park, Providence offers pre-school aged children with any form of disability a place to learn and grow. Since our involvement started in 2001, the programs have grown from serving over 200 families in Calgary through three locations, to now support over 700 children in Calgary and the surrounding communities through six schools and over 60 day care and day homes through the organization’s mobile Outreach Services Team.
Our support is both a corporate endeavour and a family affair. Our children participate in fundraising events and help out at the annual Dine and Deals fundraising Gala. At Arcis, our team supports several fundraisers by providing volunteers for the Gala and the annual Wildcatters Golf Tournament as well as other involvements such as painting the schools and Activities Day during the year. I have enclosed some photos of Providence facilities, and the Dine and Deals Gala. This year’s event is scheduled for March 12, 2011 and should again be an evening of fun and friends raising money for a great cause. This year’s focus is a capital campaign to build a new, seventh school in McKenzie Towne. If anyone is interested in learning more or getting involved, contact me or Diane DeHekker at Providence. There’s more information at
Thanks again to Carmen for joining us at our previous gala event and allowing me to share this story with our geophysical community. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who contribute both time and money to bettering our local communities and initiatives to make Calgary a great place to live.
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